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01. UX Case study

Modern technology for not so modern farmers

This research aims to tackle the challenges confronted by Indian farmers by exploring the potential of an integrated learning system and technology. By providing timely crucial information and educating farmers on the effective use of available technological tools, the study strives to empower them to overcome their problems and enhance agricultural practices, therefore significantly reducing farmer suicides and crop failures.

PwC E2E Products page

To evaluate PwC's E2E Accounts payable Products webpage in alignment with the 10 UX Heuristic principles and identify which heuristics are not being followed and further suggest solutions.

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02. Heuristic Evaluation/ Analysis

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03.  Trend Research and forecasting

Trend Book  2023-24

In-depth exploration of the identified trends for the year 2023-24, assessing their potential business avenues and opportunities.

Ethnographic Research to understand the system of Gulabi Meenakari

The ethnographic research study focuses on understanding the craft cluster, including its sustainable and unsustainable aspects. It involves artisans and stakeholders in co-design to create sustainable solutions and break the cycle of unsustainability.


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Brand Strategy and Website Design ;
Avery Homegrown

Comprehensive research on crafting and shaping a brand's identity, including customer insights through diverse personas, brand language, competitor analysis, to establish a robust brand strategy, and develop brand guidelines along with an engaging website.

05. Illustration and story telling

Shape the face

Shape the face is a series of characters and faces designed using simple shapes like circles, triangles, ovals, etc. representing different characteristics pertaining to the following story.

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